I was searching for python interview questions for my friend, Fortunately, there are lots of python interview questions online but each one had a long list of questions of its own. So I decided to compile all the important questions and made this list of top basic python interview questions with answers for freshers.  

1. What exactly is Python? What are the advantages of using Python

Python is an advanced general-purpose programming language that is interpreted. As a general-purpose programming language, it is able to create almost any kind of program using the appropriate tools and libraries. Furthermore, Python supports threads, objects, modules, and automated memory management, which aids in the modeling of real-world problems as well as developing applications that solve these issues.

The benefits of making use of Python:

  • Python is a general-purpose programming language that has a simple, simple-to-learn syntax that is designed to be read-friendly and thus reduces the expense of maintaining programs. Additionally, it is able to script and is open-source and is compatible with third-party software, promoting modularity and reuse of code.

  • Its high-level data structures together with dynamic binding and typing, create a massive crowd of developers for rapid application development and implementation.

2. Name a few applications where python programming is used? 

  • Interpreted 

  • Dynamically-typed

  • Object-oriented

  • Concise and simple

  • Free

  • Has a large community

3. What exactly is PEP 8 and why is it so important?

PEP is the acronym in the form of Python Enhancement Proposal. PEP is an official design document, which provides details about Python users. Python community or detailing the new features for Python or the processes it uses. PEP8 is particularly important because it outlines the style guidelines that apply to Python Code.

4. What is the difference between List and Tuple?

The major difference is that a list is mutable, which means lists can be modified, appended, and changed, but a tuple is immutable which means they remain constant and cannot be changed or modified. Examples:

>>> mytestlist= [1,3,3]

>>> mytestlist[1]= 2

>>> mytesttuple= (1,3,3)

>>> mytesttuple[1]= 2

TypeError: ‘tuple’ object does not support item assignment

You get this error when modifying the tuple

 5. What are the built-in data types in Python?

Numbers– Numbers include numeric values like integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers. eg. 1, 4.9,2+6i

List– It is an ordered sequence of items that may contain items from different data types.. Eg. [3,’ School’,2.9]

Tuple– It is also an ordered sequence of elements with a slight syntax difference. Unlike lists, we cannot modify or change tuples. Eg. (3,’ market’,1)

String– A string is a sequence or collection of characters. They are declared within single or double-quotes. Eg. “Nehal”, ‘Is a software developer’, etc.

Set– Sets are a collection of unique items that are not in order. Eg. {7,6,8}

Dictionary– A dictionary stores values in key and value pairs where each value can be accessed through its key.. Eg. {1:’graphes’,2:’orange’}

Boolean– Boolean values are either - True or False.

6.  How to convert a string into lowercase in python?

We use the lower() method for this.

>>> 'Shubham'.lower()


7. What is the “pass” in Python? And why is it used

Pass is the keyword used for null operation in python. It is used to fill up the empty piece or block of code which may execute during runtime but the developer has not yet written the code.

8) What is negative indexing in python?

A negative indexing python begins searching from the last or from the right.


>>> mylist=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]

>>> mylist[-4]

 Output: 5

9) Explain What are List Comprehensions in Python?

In Python, list comprehension is a way to declare a list using just one line of code.

For Example

>>> [i for i in range(1,11,2)]

OutPut: - [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

>>> [i*2 for i in range(1,11,2)]

Output:- [2, 6, 10, 14, 18]

10)  Is everything an object in Python? Explain it how?

What exactly is an object? The term "object" is defined differently in different programming languages. It can mean that all objects must have attributes and methods in certain cases, or that all objects are subclassable in others. In Python, the definition is more flexible; some objects lack properties and functions. But, in the sense that everything may be assigned to a variable or supplied as an argument to a function, everything is an object in python.

 11) What is the best code you can write to swap two numbers?

Swapping can be done within one statement as below.

>>> a,b=b,a

Here’s the entire code, though-

>>> a,b=2,3

>>> a,b=b,a

>>> a,b

12)  How can you declare multiple assignments in one statement?

This is one of the most asked interview questions for Python freshers –

You can achieve this by following methods:

First – 

>>> a,b,c=3,4,5 #This assigns 3, 4, and 5 to a, b, and c respectively

Second – 

>>> a=b=c=3 #This assigns 3 to a, b, and c

Technical Python Interview Questions and Answers

13.  How to convert a string into lowercase in python?

We use the lower() method for this.

>>> 'Shubham'.lower()


14. What is slicing in Python?

Slicing is a mechanism that allows us to retrieve data in the range format or in simple words fetch data only from a part of a list, tuple, or string. 

We use slicing operator [] for it. Example

>>> (1,2,3,4,5)[2:4]

(3, 4)

>>> [2,3,8,5,9][2:]

[8, 5, 9]

>>> 'Python interview Questions'[:-6]

Output:  ‘PythoninterviewQue’

 15) Why enumerate () function is used in Python?

The enumerate() function is used for iterating through the collection of items such as lists, strings, etc, and retrieving the index position with its corresponding value at the same time.


  1. mylist_1 = ["A","B","C"]  

  2. company_name = "Edgrow"   

  3. # creating enumerate objects  

  4. object_1 = enumerate(mylist_1)  

  5. object_2 = enumerate(company_name)  


  7. print ("Return type:",type(object_1))  

  8. print (list(enumerate(mylist_1)))  

  9. print (list(enumerate(company_name)))  

Return type: 

[(0, 'A'), (1, 'B'), (2, 'C')]

Return type: 

[(0, 'E'), (1, 'D'), (2, 'G'), (3, 'R'), (4, 'O'), (5, 'W')

16)What is the difference between a.pyc and a.py file in python?

.pyc is the compiled form of a Python file, while both files contain bytecode. It uses platform-agnostic bytecode. As a result, we can run it on any platform that recognizes the.pyc file format. Python produces it automatically to increase performance (in terms of load time, not speed). 

17) In Python, what is a lambda function?

In Python, an anonymous function is one that is defined without a name. The keyword "def" is used to define conventional functions, whereas the lambda function is used to define anonymous functions. Lambda functions are another name for anonymous functions.

18) Is it true that Python is case-sensitive?

If a language differs between identifiers such as firstname and Firstname, it is case-sensitive. In other words, it is concerned with the case, whether it is lowercase or uppercase. Let's give Python a shot.

>>> firstname='Kashif'

>>> Firstname


NameError: name ‘Firstname’ is not defined

As you can see, this raised a NameError. This means that Python is indeed case-sensitive.

19. What are python modules, and how do you use them? What are some of the most often used Python built-in modules?

Python modules are executable files that contain Python code. Functions, classes, or variables can be used in this code. A Python module is a.py file that contains code that may be executed.

The following are some of the most often used built-in modules:

  • os

  • sys

  • math

  • random

  • data time

  • JSON

20. In Python, how do you remove whitespaces from a string?

Strip([str]) is a built-in function in Python that removes whitespaces and trailing spaces from a string. If there are any whitespaces in the string, this method returns a copy of it. Otherwise, the original string is returned.

  1. string = "  Edgrow-top-25-Python-interview-questions "  

  2. string2 = "    Edgrow-top-25-Python-interview-questions        "  

  3. string3 = "       Edgrow-top-25-Python-interview-questions"  

  4. print(string)  

  5. print(string2)  

  6. print(string3)  

  7. print("After stripping all the values are placed in a sequence:")  

  8. print(string.strip())  

  9. print(string2.strip())  

  10. print(string3.strip())  


21) In Python, what are the rules for local and global variables?

Variables at the Global Level(Global Variable)

Global variables are variables declared outside of a function or in a global space. If a variable is ever given a new value within the function, it is implicitly local, and we must explicitly declare it as 'global.' We must declare a variable using the global keyword to make it global.

Any function can access and modify the value of global variables from anywhere in the programme.

  1. A = "Edgrow"  

  2. def my_function():  

  3.   print(A)  

  4. my_function()  



Variables in the Local Environment:(Local Variable)

A local variable is any variable declared within a function. This variable exists only in local space, not in global space.

It's presumed that a variable is local if it gets a new value anywhere in the function's body.

Only the local body has access to local variables.


  1. def my_function2():  

  2.     lv = "Edgrow Data Science and Artificial Intelligence courses online"  

  3.     print(lv)  

  4. my_function2()   


Edgrow Data Science and Artificial Intelligence courses online


22. What are the functions split() and join() in Python?

The split() function can be used to split a string into a list of strings based on a delimiter.

The join() method can be used to combine a list of strings based on a delimiter into a single string.

string = "This is Top 25 Python Interview Questions for freshers."

string_list = string.split(' ') #delimiter is ‘space’ character or ‘ ‘

print(string_list) #output: ['This', 'is', 'Top', '25', ‘Python’, ‘Interview’, ‘Questions’, ‘for’, ‘freshers’]

print(' '.join(string_list)) #output: This is Top 25 Python Interview Questions for freshers.

Python OOPS Interview Questions

 23. In Python, how do you make|create a class?

In Python, we use the keyword "class" to construct a class, as seen in the example below:

class EdgrowStudent:

# This is an example of init function method   

def __init__(self, emp_name): 

       self.emp_name = emp_name

 The overall program would look like this:

 class EdgrowStudent:

   def __init__(self, student_name):

       self.student_name = student_name


   def expertise(self):

       print("Hello I am " + self.student_name)

# create an object of EdgrowStudent class

emp_1 = EdgrowStudent("Shakti Das")

print(emp_1.student_name)    #print Student name

emp_1.expertise()      #Call expertise function to print student expertise

 24.  Is it possible to call parent class without its instance creation?

Yes, if the base class is a static method or if the base class is instantiated by other child classes.

25. Recognize the differences between new and override modifiers.

The new modifier tells the compiler that the new implementation should be used instead of the base class function. Within a child class, the Override modifier can be used to override a base class function.

26. What is the purpose of finalise?

Before using the trash collection procedure, the finalise method is used to free up unmanaged resources and clean up. This aids in the execution of memory management operations.

27. What is __init__ Method in Python?

__init__ method id reserved method in python. It is similar to constructor methods that are used in other programming languages.  This method is called the first time when the object is created for that class.  We can initialize all the call attributes for that object by __init__.


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About the author

Aaquib  khan
Aaquib khan

Aaquib is a passionate entrepreneur, Data Science enthusiast, and technical writer. He is also a experienced software developer. He loves traveling and learning new things.